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Nettoyant jantes Auto Glym CLEAN WHEELS

Reference -AG NJ ACIDE
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Autoglym nettoyant Jantes
C'est un mélange scientifique équilibré de nettoyants acides.

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Clean Wheels
Clean Wheels
Notes et avis

Autoglym nettoyant Jantes .

C'est un mélange scientifique équilibré de nettoyants acides.

Il est super efficace (pulvériser, brosser, rincer au jet). Il dissout rapidement les poussières de frein et les polluants fixés sur les jantes en alliage ou peintes et sur les enjoliveurs.




  1. Ensure your wheels are cool to the touch as working on hot wheels may result in damage.
  2. Working on one wheel at a time, apply the cleaner generously from the bottom up, fully coating the wheel surface.
  3. Use a wheel brush to agitate the cleaner, concentrating on any dirt trap areas and don’t forget the tyre wall.
  4. Rinse thoroughly, ensuring the product is fully removed before moving onto the next wheel.

Q: Does Clean Wheels contain acid?
A: Yes there is acid in Autoglym Clean Wheels. If used according to the instructions it will not damage your wheels though. If you have a specialist wheel finish you may require Custom Wheel Cleaner.

Q: What types of wheel can I use Clean Wheels on?
A: Clean Wheels is suitable for lacquered alloy, painted and plastic finishes. If your wheels are a different finish, use Custom Wheel Cleaner instead.

Q: Is Clean Wheels safe to clean my tyres with?
A: Yes, Clean Wheels can be applied directly to the tyre wall and agitated with a brush to provide a clean finish. This is a great step to take before applying your tyre dressing. Ensure you thoroughly rinse the Clean Wheels away after use.


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Clean Wheels
Clean Wheels
Notes et avis

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Clean Wheels
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